Friday, August 17, 2012


(Gold French Tip)


You will only need a few things:
  • nail polish base (Baby Pink "PK012" from Etude House)
  • metallic nail polish (Gold Pedicure Sparkle from Skin Food)
  • top coat
  • paper tape or magic tape (I have a thin scrapbook double tape hehehe)
  • scissors

What I have here is my collection of metallic nail polish. 
Skin Food nail polish is the best, yet. But you can use any nail polish you like.

STEP 1: 
Cut the paper tape into shape. 
Make sure that the paper tape is located on the middle
and your nail polish base is dry before placing it on your nails.

STEP 2: 
Paint the tip of your nails. Wait for a minute before removing the tape.

Finish off with top coat.'re done! :)

You can improvise with almost anything! Just be creative. Have fun painting your nails! :)


Thursday, August 16, 2012


(Short Skirt/Pixie Skirt)


(This is the actual photo of the skirt I made, I really don't like the pattern. Anyway, I will post a look with the skirt on soon! :P)

To start the tutorial, the following NEEDED materials are listed below:
  • sewing machine
  • cotton thread (color similar to fabric)
  • pins
  • scissors 
  • 1 meter fabric (chiffon preferably not sheer or a thicker type) 
  • elastic waistband
  • iron (optional)

STEP 1: Cut desired length. Must be long in width with but short in length. 
(It kinda looks like a rectangle.)

This is how it looks like.

STEP 2:  Fold the top edge of the fabric about 2cm. Place pins to serve as a guide. 
(Fold from the outer part of the skirt going to the inner part of the skirt.
You can also press the folded part with iron.)

STEP 3: Start sewing the folded part about 1cm.
(This will create a cleaner look.)

STEP 4:  Remove the pins as you go along.

STEP 5: Cut the excess off.

STEP 6: Fold the fabric in half.

Like this.

STEP 7: Sew the sides.
(After that, your skirt should be closed. As if you're wearing a "patadyong".)

STEP 8: Fold the top edge of the fabric again for about the length of your elastic band. 
Mine is 2inches in length.
(Measure it first before placing pins. You can also press the folded part with iron.)

STEP 9: Sew the top edge again.
(This is where your elastic bandage is inserted.)
*Did you see the part I sewn earlier? It created a cleaner look, right?

STEP 10: Make sure to leave this part open for approximately 2-4 inches wide.
(This is where you'll insert the elastic bandage.)

Leave it open for a while, ok? :) Don't forget this!

STEP 11: Measure elastic bandage on your waist first then cut it. 
Put a safety pin at the tip. This will guide you while inserting the elastic bandage.

STEP 12: Insert the elastic bandage on the hole you left open. :)

STEP 13: Pull the elastic bandage and tug your skirt too.

Tug the skirt until both ends of the elastic bandage meet.

STEP 14: Sew the elastic bandage together. Sew it twice or thrice for a stronger hold.

STEP 15: Now, it's time to sew that part.

Close it. :)

You're almost done!

STEP 16: Sew the hem or the bottom part of your skirt for about 1-2cm. 
Trim the excess for a cleaner look.

Sew the bottom part of the skirt.


Hmmm, I also made another one and it looks like shorts. lol

The blue one has a thicker fabric, which I prefer that 
it doesn't really need an inner lining compared to the pink one.

If you have questions, feel free to ask me.
I will post a look wearing these skirts soon.


Monday, April 26, 2010



I know, I know!! This Note is toooooo long for you..

BUT may I remind you that this is very important? Well, I should ask you first some questions if you’re really concerned. And please READ the whole note if you’re GUILTY..;)

1. Do you keep on complaining about our weather today, too cold or tooooo HOT?

2. Are you aware of the mortality rate rising because of the heat?

3. Are you tired of seeing smoke-belching vehicles and you know it’s against the law!?

4. Are you tired of seeing TRASH! Everywhere! (grasslands, beaches, pot for plants? DUH! It’s a pot not a garbage pot!)

5. Are you familiar of the famous movie 2012 and you’re scared that one day this would really happen to us?

6. Were you a victim of typhoons or any calamities?

7. Are you aware that 90% of large fishes are all gone? And there will be no more fishes by the year 2048? (seen from NatGeo)

8. Are you aware of the history of Planet Mars? (Mars was a living planet like Earth, but due to the depletion of its ozone layer and POOF! Mars became lifeless coz of DROUGHT..well, all living things need water in order to survive right?)

Have you ever thought about this guys? I’m sure you all have an idea what is Climate Change, Global Warming..but seriously WE ARE NOT AWARE that our Mother Earth is DYING?

Let me tell you this, I miss chasing butterflies at our garden. I miss going to the beaches where I can still see fishes near me and where I can swim without worrying that I would bump into UFO’s. Haha I miss playing in the rain while stumping my feet on wet green green grasses without worrying that I might step into something. Do you miss it too? Me? GUILTY AS CHARGED.

Pollution contributes a great risk for our health EVEN for our Mother Earth. Why? It’s like this, If I have an infection, and the cause is the invasion of foreign bodies, and the initial reaction is Fever trying to fight off the cause. Same to what is happening with our planet which POLLUTION is the cause that leads to Climate Change..See! We are all killing the Planet we call Home. In the first place, Earth is older than us (Nauna xa kaysa sa aton)..We don’t really own this place. We are just living in it. Alangan sa space ta maistar nuh! I also believe that Earth is a gift from Above, so please take care of it.

We only got One Life, One Earth, and One Chance to SAVE EARTH in which we call “HOME”. We got to spread the word, because it’s useless if we don’t ACT TOGETHER.


1. Avoid freeing those colorful balloons in mid air. For balloons will get into oceans and seas and will be mistaken as yummy jellyfish by sea turtles. Some sea turtles got killed by eating balloon or plastic bags. Sea turtles are part of the delicate cycle and if their population is affected other species of marine creatures are also under threat.

2. Avoid buying bottled water from a local supermarket, buy a Water Container instead (w/c is refillable). You can save money plus you can choose different designs. Hehehe BTW, it’s dangerous to reuse bottled water, once it is exposed to sunlight, well..the plastic melts and mixes to what you are drinking. So people tend to just throw it away and off to the great smokey mountains!

3. Avoid ordering TO GO meals, eat your food at the restaurant instead. In addition, to COFFEE ADDICTS please hear me, Styrofoam and Aluminum Foil are very harmful to the environment, it takes hundreds of years to decompose and Styros melt when you put hot drinks or food in it, so it’s not nice for your body. Buy hey, you can still bring your own lunchbox and Thermos Container. (Well, if you can) hehehe

4. Tote Bags are in and may not be out of style. Go to the mall and buy some folded/portable tote bags. Use it for groceries and shopping! Go Stylish where you can choose your own design!

5. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Make it a habit to reduce the things we need or we consume. Buy only things that we only need and eat only what you can. Let us do our share not to be part of the problem or should I say part of the garbage problem. Reuse all the things that can still be repaired/fixed. Recycle things! Be creative!

6. Recycle things to conserve our resources, collect old newspapers, books, magazines, used papers, bottles (plastic and glass), and any other things that you can sell in junkyards. There is money in garbage and at the same time we’re doing our part in recycling! ;)

7. Be kind to trees. As much as possible limit the use forest products or you may use the back of any paper, use pencils until it become as small as possible, and don’t play with matches! Try to get involved in tree planting. This could be fun as trees can give us added oxygen, shades for people and a refuge to animals.

8. Broken scientific apparatus like thermometers, barometers, sphygmomanometers, and other things that have mercury on it should be disposed properly. Avoid throwing this in rivers for mercury is toxic and poisonous.

9. Minimize the use refrigerators, solvents, aerosol spray propellants, fire extinguishers, and chemical reagents for these contains chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) that are responsible to the climate change and depletion of our precious ozone layer. Do not burn plastic! Please do not make it a habit to burn your garbage.

10. Do not buy exotic and endangered animals. These animals are intended to be in the wild not as decorations to your home.

11. Educate your children, friends and community about the harmful effects of dynamite fishing, illegal logging, animal poaching, over reliance to wood products and other environmental issues.

12. Do not even bother to try eating exotic and endangered animals for they are not intended to be part of human’s diet. Let the other predatory animal do the stalking and eating hehehe you’re not fit to be a lion!

13. Do not patronize things that are made up of an endangered animal or animal part (like skin, fur, bones, tusks, antlers, etc.)

14. Be responsible with your garbage, dispose them properly. Also try to use segregation scheme with your trashes, separate those decomposable from those that are not. You may utilize a compost pit to house all of your organic trashes and eventually use this as your fertilizer for your backyard garden or to your plants.

15. Do the traditional way of helping to conserve our environment by virtue of avoiding smoke-belching, saving electrical energy by employing tips (like regular cleaning of our bulb and fluorescent light in our home, use only appliances when needed, avoiding dripping of water from our faucets, and repairing quickly the leaking water pipelines)

16. Support any environmental conservation in your community, give donations or even join them in their campaign as well. You may also do things that can benefit our environment such as cleaning the beaches and building your own garden!

17. Support and visit eco tours near you such as Greenpeace Org, these may promote awareness about the importance of ecology to your friends and families. Support the use of Hydroelectric Power, Solar Power and Wind Power as alternatives to Coal Power Plants etc..These are cheaper and eco-friendly as well!

18. Conserve water! Water is also depleting nowadays. So turn off that faucet when lathering the soap on your hands or try to wash your hair then your body at the same time to limit the use of water. Utilize used or warmed up water to wash your car, shoes, or cleaning the cages of your pets! You can also use Left-over water during meals as water for your pets. (Pa.wise-wise man lng na db?) :)

19. Learn how to appreciate nature and her gifts to mankind and support any environmental campaigns that will help nurture and protect the only planet we live in.

20. Lastly, please SPREAD THE WORD and not the heat! So..GUILTY AS CHARGED?

THANK YOU! Hope we'll make a change. <3

Learn More from:

Then, try to watch National Geographic, Discovery, ETC and Lifestyle Channel. Also read magazines and newspapers guys (Such as NatGeo, Readers Digest and Philippine Star) All the fresh news are in there!

Go Green! Learn From Here! :)